Navajo, Sac & Fox, and Prairie Band Potawatomi

Amber Duboise-Shepherd

Amber L. DuBoise-Shepherd depicts contemporary Native American narratives based on her family heritage of Navajo, Sac & Fox, and Prairie Band Potawatomi. Her mixed media pieces and oil paintings reference an illustrative quality.

Artist's Full Biograpy

Amber L. DuBoise-Shepherd depicts contemporary Native American narratives based on her family heritage of Navajo, Sac & Fox, and Prairie Band Potawatomi. Her mixed media pieces and oil paintings reference an illustrative quality. She has an Associates of Art from Seminole State College and completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Spring 2016 at Oklahoma State University. She was accepted into OVAC’s Momentum exhibition in 2017, 2019, 2020, and in 2021 she was accepted as a Spotlight Artist by the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition. She was accepted to Momentum again in 2022. She won grand prize and runner up in the IMAGEN Art Competition: “Native Tradition is Medicine: Resilience and Native Lifeways during COVID-19” in 2020. Two of her art pieces were also selected for the 2021 Native American Female Art and Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-2021 Booklet, Virtual IMAGEN Network. She recently won Honorable Mention in Graphics for the 51st Annual Trail of Tears Art Show & Sale for 2022.