
Jennifer Hicks

Jennifer works primarily in watercolor or ink and the artwork may incorporate hand-beaded components to emphasize concepts in the painting. Many of the pieces are created using a variation of the stipple technique in which portions of the images are created one dot at a time.

Artist's Full Biograpy

Jennifer Hicks is an enrolled member of The Chickasaw Nation, a native of Oklahoma, and granddaughter of original enrollee, Ada Keel. Jennifer works primarily in watercolor or ink and the artwork may incorporate hand-beaded components to emphasize concepts in the painting. Many of the pieces are created using a variation of the stipple technique in which portions of the images are created one dot at a time. Jennifer’s artwork often uses the iconography found on artifacts of the Mississippi people and enjoys incorporating those symbols into her art with the hope that others will be inspired to become interested in the history and the fascinating culture of the Southeastern people. Other artwork may be reference personal experiences or family members.