
Paige Busick

Paige Busick is an artist who specializes in oil painting, quilting, and printmaking. She is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation and she was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Artist's Full Biograpy

Paige Busick is an artist who specializes in oil painting, quilting, and printmaking. She is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation and she was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She became serious about art while attending high school at Harding Fine Arts Academy. During her youth she received a Best in Show Award from the Southeastern Art Show and Market and won the Chickasaw Nation’s Butterfly Art Contest in 2019. Busick studied Art and Native American Art History at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2023. She has exhibited her work nationally, including at the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. After graduating, Busick was an art camp instructor for First Americans Museum, which gave her the opportunity for personal and artistic growth. She is dedicated to the arts, learning about Chickasaw culture, and sharing that knowledge with others.